Acerola is commonly used to treat problems that are a result of deficiencies of important vitamins and minerals in the body

Acerola is a shrub or small tree that is native to Central America, northern South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. The fruit is similar to a cherry and is a deep red color when ripe. It is a rich source of vitamin C.

Acerola is used to treat or prevent scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. Acerola is also used for preventing heart disease, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), blood clots, and cancer.

Some people use it to treat the common cold, pressure sores, bleeding in the eye (retinal hemorrhages), tooth decay, gum infections, depression, hay fever, and collagen disorders. Athletes use acerola for improving physical endurance.

1. Helps Fight Cancer

Acerola fruit has a compound called anthocyanin which is helpful in treating cancer. Cancer is a serious illness which is considered very difficult to treat. Acerola fruit has been found to be helpful in fighting lung cancer especially. This is done by slowing down and then eventually putting a stop to the growth of cells that are considered to be cancerous. Acerola fruit also has properties that help in the prevention of cells against damage caused by free radicals.

2. Aids in Digestion

The fiber content found in acerola fruit makes it helpful in treating digestive problems and eliminating toxins from the body. Having a healthy digestive system is important for prevention of many serious illnesses. Fiber helps maintain a normal and healthy digestive system that helps you remove toxins from the body. Acerola fruit is found to be helpful in treating digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea and bloating.

3. Healthy Cardiovascular System

The presence of antioxidants in acerola fruit makes it helpful in regulating a healthy cardiovascular system. This is because the antioxidants help reduce cholesterol and prevent the cardiovascular system from stress. In addition to this, acerola fruit also has an impressive content of potassium which is necessary in order to regulate healthy blood pressure levels. Potassium helps the cardiovascular system by dilating the vessels and improving blood flow.

4. Develops Immunity

As mentioned earlier, acerola fruit is gifted with an impressive content of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is helpful to the human body in a lot of ways. By adding acerola fruit to your diet, you increase your Vitamin C intake which results in higher immunity levels. This increased immunity will help you avoid infections and other illnesses. Vitamin C also helps in the production of white blood cells which are essential for the body to fight against the foreign bacterium. In addition to this, the presence of free radicals in the body can cause chronic illnesses in the body. Acerola helps prevent the damage done by these free radicals and is hence a potent addition to your diet in improving your body’s ability to fight against different illnesses.

Acerola is full of nutrients and vitamins that are essential for a healthy life. However, before adding acerola in your diet, it is advised to consult with a professional regarding the dosage. This is because since acerola has a high content of Vitamin C, it is possible to experience diarrhea after consuming a high dosage of acerola. Not only this, but problems such as kidney stones are also sometimes experienced by people consuming high content of Vitamin C.