Amino acid suspension liquid ——Stimulate the plant root growth. Increases crop yield and quality.

Amino acid suspension liquid is a highly active scientific and technological product extracted from plants. It can adjust acid and alkali to improve ground temperature; Strong rooting, fruit swelling and coloring, disease resistance and resistance to continuous cropping; Deep soil loosening, water retention and hardening prevention; Control diseases and insect pests. Amino acid suspension liquid can promote the growth of seedlings; Promote grain plumpness of field grain and oil crops; In the early stage of plant growth, it can promote flower bud differentiation and significantly improve the fruit bearing rate; It can also make ornamental crops bright in flower color and long green in leaf color; It can effectively alleviate diseases and improve the rabbit epidemic resistance of crops; It can resist cold, protect seedlings and prevent crop lodging and premature senescence.

Efficacy and function of amino acid suspension liquid

The amino acid suspension liquid with guaranteed general quality can improve the activity of crop roots, then activate and expand uncertain roots, give birth to a large number of fresh roots, provide sufficient vitality for seedlings, and make them grow strong rather than grow in vain. It can well promote crop metabolism, improve the rate of photosynthesis, quickly supplement a variety of nutritional elements of crops, and provide sufficient nutrients during crop growth.

High quality amino acid suspension liquid can regulate the nutritional growth of crops and play a key role in reproductive growth. Amino acid suspension liquid can make the grains of field grain and oil crops plump, increase the number and weight of grains per ear, and mature the living stalk. Generally, rice, vegetables and other transplanted crops can quickly turn green after colonization, promote the robust growth of crops, and can well promote flower bud differentiation and avoid the phenomenon of flower and fruit falling off in the early growth stage of plants. In the later stage of plant growth, it can significantly improve the fruit bearing rate, rapidly expand the fruit, and make the ornamental crops have bright flowers and green leaves. Generally, the use of amino acid suspension liquid can make the crops precocious and increase production. Amino  acid suspension  liquid can also effectively alleviate diseases and improve the immunity of crops. Amino acid suspension liquid has a high mitigation effect on a variety of physiological diseases prone to crops, especially on diseases caused by continuous stubble of beans, peanuts, vegetables and other crops. Amino acid suspension liquid can effectively improve the resistance of crops. When the weather is cold in winter, it can resist cold, protect seedlings, and give seedling root temperature. When it resists early in summer, it can not easily lose water in plant cells. It also has the ability to resist insufficient light and saline alkali, and prevent crop lodging and premature aging.