An important source of nutrients that promotes growth and fights disease—Colostrum

Colostrum is a breast fluid produced by humans, cows, and other mammals before breast milk is released.

It’s very nutritious and contains high levels of antibodies, which are proteins that fight infections and bacteria.

Colostrum promotes growth and health in infants and newborn animals, but research shows that taking bovine colostrum supplements may promote immunity, help fight infections, and improve gut health throughout life.

Colostrum is a milky fluid that’s released by mammals that have recently given birth before breast milk production begins.

It’s an important source of nutrients that promotes growth and fights disease in infants, but it can also be consumed during other phases of life—typically in supplement form.

Even though all mammals produce colostrum, supplements are usually made from the colostrum of cows. This supplement is known as bovine colostrum.

Bovine colostrum is similar to human colostrum—rich in vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, disease-fighting proteins, growth hormones, and digestive enzymes.

Bovine colostrum supplements have become popular in recent years, as they may promote immunity, fight infection, and improve gut health.

Scores of people around the world have already discovered that a supplement derived from a healthy cow’s milk really can help them improve their health in many ways. If you’ve been wondering what sort of colostrum benefits there are to enjoy, then continue reading for just a few of the main benefits to using colostrum supplements.

Right off the bat, it’s most important to know about colostrum’s benefits for the immune system. One of the most impressive studies is one where regular users of colostrum had a significantly reduced amount of time with the flu. In face, colostrum was over three times more effective than flu shots! This alone makes it a worthwhile supplement!

Colostrum has been proven to improve lean muscle tissue growth, especially when mixed with whey protein and creatine.It improves muscle recovery and reduces soreness, peak power for cyclists, and sprint capacity more so than whey protein. In all of these studies, it’s important to note that testosterone levels did not increase, making it an incredible supplement for women too!

Bovine colostrum also has fantastic anti-inflammatory characteristics that can help anyone who suffers from pain or swelling. Inflammation is a major source of pain, including pain that comes from arthritis, colitis, and other types of similar conditions. Colostrum supplements help to reduce inflammation and therefore reduce the pain that’s caused by these conditions.

Colostrum is simply an incredibly healthy supplement, and its components do nothing but help users. It doesn’t matter if it’s from cows – the studies and our experiences show that colostrum works.