How to promote weight loss—- Pyruvic acid

Pyruvic acid, a product of pyruvate, is a natural compound produced by the body that helps make and use energy. Because it is instrumental in the metabolism of fat, people sometimes take pyruvate supplements to lose weight. Although small studies have indicated that it may be an effective weight-control supplement, there are no large studies that show its effect. It’s also not necessarily practical to take the large dosages used in studies because pyruvate supplements can be costly and inconvenient.

Pyruvic acid may help with weight loss, according to NYU Langone Medical Center. The center reviews a study published in “Current Therapeutic Research” in 1998 in which researchers gave 51 people 6 daily grams of pyruvate for six weeks, while giving a placebo or no treatment to 51 other people. Although all of the participants exercised regularly, those who took pyruvate lost significantly more weight from fat than those who didn’t. In fact, they lost an average of 2.6 percent of their body fat and gained an average of 1.5 kilograms of lean muscle mass. A similar effect resulted from giving subjects higher doses of the supplement.

Pyruvic acid may also prevent weight gain, according to NYU Langone Medical Center. Researchers who published a study in “International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders” in 1996 gave restricted diets to a group of severely overweight women for three weeks. After the participants lost approximately 17 pounds, the researchers gave them all high-calorie diets but gave 15 daily grams of pyruvate and 75 daily grams of dihydroxyacetone — which the body converts to pyruvate — to half of the women. After three more weeks, those taking the supplements gained only about 4 pounds, while the others each gained an average of 6 pounds. The researchers’ evaluation indicated that pyruvate had been responsible for the lower amount of weight gain.

Pyruvic acid