Nicarbazine used to prevent coccidiosis in chickens and turkeys.

Nicarbazine is a yellow or yellow green powder; Odorless, with a slight odor. Commonly used to prevent coccidiosis in chickens and turkeys.


This product is effective against the second-generation schizonts of coccidia, and the recommended amount does not affect the immunity of chickens against coccidia, with high safety. Use with caution during high temperature seasons and avoid laying eggs. Mix feed, add 125g per 1000kg of feed. The two components of nicarbazine can be absorbed separately by the digestive tract of poultry and are widely distributed in tissues and body fluids.

Nicarbazine is mainly used to prevent chicken cecal coccidia (Eimeria tenella) and pile type, giant, toxic, and Brucella brucella (Eimeria brevis).

According to experiments, medication within 48 hours after infection with coccidia can effectively inhibit the development of the parasite. If medication is delayed for more than 72 hours, the effect is significantly reduced.

The recommended dosage of nicarbazine has little or no effect on the body’s immunity against coccidia. In addition, it is still effective against coccidia that are resistant to amphotericin.