Passion flower has long been used to help people reduce anxiety

Passion flower is a climbing vine that is native to the southeastern United States, and Central and South America. The above ground parts are used to make medicine.Passion flower is an aromatic fruit native to tropical America, known as “the king of juice”. Passion flower varieties, perennial evergreen climbing woody lianas.

1.Anti-anxiety and insomnia treatment

Passion flower extract has neurocalming effects, including mild sedative and anti-anxiety effects. In experiments carried out in the 1930s, the pattern of its effects has been found to be different from that of most sedatives (sleeping pills), making it a class of non-additive herbs that promote relaxation. The calming effects of passion flower extract have made it popular for treating a variety of ailments, including nervousness and insomnia. Studies have shown that passion flower extract has complex effects on the central nervous system (CNS), which may be the reason for its overall neurostabilizing effect.

2.Antispasmodic agent

Passion flower extract also has antispasticity effects on the smooth muscles of the body, including the digestive system. In animal experiments, researchers have found that the plant promotes digestion by slowing the passage of food through the digestive tract.

3.Help Lower Blood Pressure

The passion flower extract in a study published in the Journal of Nutrition BioChemistry showed a great reduction in blood pressure. Further research has found that a compound in the extract known as edulilic is responsible for the lowering of the blood pressure. Research has shown that administering 8mg of the passion flower extract for five days will help reduce systolic blood pressure.

The extract was seen to increase the levels of antioxidant enzymes while decreasing the levels of the oxidized lipids. A high level of oxidized lipids will lead to accumulation of waste products and toxins. This extract can also be found in most common drugs used to treat high blood pressure. A good example is the clonidine drug which is commonly used to treat anxiety disorders and high blood pressure. The passion extract is usually combined with the clonidine to make it more effective in fighting high blood pressure.

4.Help Improve Sleep

With sleep playing a crucial role in the health of people, it makes sense to have a good night sleep. However, this is not the case most of the time with people suffering from sleep disorders of all types. A study done on patients with bipolar disorders showed a great improvement on the sleeping patterns after using the passion extract supplements. Sleep improvement can be attributed to reduced anxiety cases in people.

Further studies have shown that drinking passion tea over a long period significantly improves sleep. Do you have trouble turning off your brain at night and getting a good night’s sleep? Passion tea might have some calming effects on you, helping you sleep well.

Dosage: When taken orally, there are so many ways one can take the passion flower extracts. Taking passion flower tea is one of the safest ways to get most of the benefits without having any harmful side effects. A typical dosage of 0.25 grams to 2 grams in 150 ml of boiling water is recommended.

Passionflower extracts are beneficial in so many ways and having them as supplements or part of your food is highly recommended. The only caution is to avoid taking them in large quantities or having pregnant and breastfeeding mothers using the extracts.