Sodium molybdate can be used as base fertilizer, seed fertilizer and extraroot fertilization.

Sodium molybdate, alias: sodium molybdate dihydrate, sodium molybdate dihydrate, is an inorganic substance. Sodium molybdate is a white or slightly colored crystalline powder, soluble in water but insoluble in acetone. Soluble in water at normal temperature, it can be used as base fertilizer, seed fertilizer and fertilizer outside the root, and can be easily absorbed and utilized by crops. Although the content of molybdenum in crop plants is low, it plays a lot of roles, and molybdenum is an essential element in both multi molybdenum sensitive and non sensitive crops. Molybdenum is an important component of many enzymes in crops, such as nitrogenase and nitrate reductase involved in the formation of amino acids, aldehyde oxidase involved in the synthesis of plant endogenous hormones, etc. it participates in many physiological activities of crops. Molybdenum can promote the synthesis of chlorophyll in leaves, enhance crop photosynthesis and nutrient accumulation, and increase crop yield. Molybdenum can improve the cold resistance of crops and prevent freezing injury. Molybdenum can improve the content of protein, oil and organic acid in crop fruits and seeds and improve crop quality. Molybdenum can improve the activity of pollen and promote crop pollination. Molybdenum can improve the disease and stress resistance of crops, strengthen plants and reduce the incidence of diseases and pests.

Molybdenum is one of the necessary “trace elements” in plants. Lack of molybdenum will affect the normal growth of plants. As a necessary trace element for plant growth, molybdenum can not only promote the absorption of phosphorus by plants, but also accelerate the formation and transformation of alcohols in plants, improve the content of chlorophyll and vitamin C, and improve the drought resistance, cold resistance and disease resistance of plants. Sodium molybdate is mainly involved in nitrate reduction and nitrogen fixation of legumes in plants. When molybdenum is deficient, the metabolism of nitrogen is blocked, so the symptoms of molybdenum deficiency are quite similar to that of nitrogen deficiency. Although molybdenum deficiency often occurs in legumes, it may also occur in general crops and horticultural crops. When molybdenum is deficient, the color of the old leaves first becomes pale or yellowish. With the deepening of the deficiency, the leaves in other parts will also show deficiency symptoms. Usually, yellow green or yellow spots appear between the leaf veins before the leaf edge curls or withers. In serious cases, the spots increase sharply and fall before the leaves are fully mature. The symptoms of molybdenum deficiency mainly appeared in leaves, but the fruit was not greatly affected.

The effect of applying molybdenum fertilizer ammonium molybdate or sodium molybdate is similar. It can be applied by soil, spraying and seed dressing. Generally, 150g per hectare is enough to spray the concentration of 0.005% ~ 0.01%. Because phosphorus can promote the absorption of molybdenum, molybdenum fertilizer can be mixed into phosphorus fertilizer for application, which is convenient and effective.