Professional China Antioxidants - Betaine HCL – Puyer

Name:Betaine HCL


1. Betaine Hydrochloride is an efficient methyl group supplier and can be used to partially replace methionine and choline chloride in feed rations to decrease formulation costs. 2. Betaine Hydrochloride has been found to increase lean weight gain and improve the meat quality. 3. Betaine Hydrochloride has been found to be highly effective in increasing the survival rate of juvenile fish and shrimp. 4. Betaine Hydrochloride has been found to improve the digestion system in living bodies, both human and domesticated animals.


Assay:≥98% Appearance:White Crystal Powder

Packing: 25kg

Shelf Life: 2 years

Storage: Store in cool and dry area

Certification:ISO GMP FAMI-QS